Use web-ext sign to upload to AMO for Firefox
- Use `web-ext sign` to upload the WebExtension versions for Firefox. - Requires environment variables `WEB_EXT_API_KEY` and `WEB_EXT_API_SECRET` to be set. - Requires manual uplo…→ Full commit message
Index of 6 entries from . This day is part of week 06, and is day number 035 of year 2020. Entries belong to 2 different categories, talkie and github-data-cli.
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- Use `web-ext sign` to upload the WebExtension versions for Firefox. - Requires environment variables `WEB_EXT_API_KEY` and `WEB_EXT_API_SECRET` to be set. - Requires manual uplo…→ Full commit message
- The `web-ext lint` command warns about using incompatible/unimplemented calls to `browser` functionality. - Bumping the minimum Firefox version from v52 to v57 means nearly all …→ Full commit message
- Mozilla has changed their requirements for packages with built or minified code. - Previously, the source maps (generated at build-time) were required as a separate `.zip` file.…→ Full commit message
- Clarify some prerequisites. - List tools used.
- Previously, the packaging used the hardcoded version from `package.json`. - Changes to the code would not be reflected in the package naming if packaging was rerun. - Using the …→ Full commit message
> GitHub is deprecating authentication to the GitHub API using query parameters ... > > All authentication to the GitHub API should be done using HTTP basic authentication. See …→ Full commit message