Index of 1125 entries from . Entries belong to 23 different categories, including ep-the-corrections, guest-browser-start-page, emulatetab, node-dnssec-name-shame, and jq-hopkok.
Month 2014-12
Also deploy to gh-pages
Also deploy to gh-pages
Also deploy to gh-pages
Also deploy to gh-pages
Also deploy to gh-pages
Expose deck-bound log method
Upgraded Bespoke.js to 1.0.0
Upgraded Bespoke.js to 1.0.0
Clean up code
Upgraded Bespoke.js to 1.0.0
Upgraded Bespoke.js to 1.0.0
Upgraded Bespoke.js to 1.0.0
Update readme for 1.0.0
Have cv.activateDeck return methods bound to the deck
Add tests for convenient methods
Move copyArray to convenient
Upgraded Bespoke.js to 1.0.0
Add convenient aliases to readme
Use fswatch to watch for queue.pls file changes in 'np daemon'
Add datasets.non-failed.classification.disconnect.coverage.sorted.tsv
Add datasets.non-failed.classification.disconnect.coverage.sorted.tsv
Use only domains with internal/external requests in domain count columns
Use domain counts for domains with matching requests
Use domain counts for domains with matching requests
Update request count table, add datasets.non-failed.requests.ratios.sorted.tsv
Update request count table, add datasets.non-failed.requests.ratios.sorted.tsv
Data re-generated with domains with internal/external requests adjusted
Data re-generated with domains with internal/external requests adjusted
Wrote about Follow the Money, add gill-2013-bpf-2504730.2504768_aggregators.tsv
Wrote about Follow the Money, add gill-2013-bpf-2504730.2504768_aggregators.tsv
More references
More references
Write some, add some references
Write some, add some references
Count only distinct domains matching the filtered request set
Use local copy of
Merge branch 'is-disconnect-match'
Write about Disconnect's categories
Write about Disconnect's categories
Add isNotDisconnectMatch
Multiset Disconnect match coverage
Make note about
Make note about
Wrap variables used as part of longer strings
Remove unused function
Also stop playback after clearing queue
Month 2014-11
Fix starting external player in an untracked sub-process
Use shuf when available
Use the word shuffle for, eh, shuffle
Detect external player thought to be compatible
Add GPL-3.0 license
Update readme with features, command comments, formatting
Create fundamental folders/files earlier, hide external player output
Search/replace rename project to npshell/np
Make 'play now' the default action for 'play'
Rename configuration variables
Use normalized cumulative occurrences
Use line-buffer for faster dataset-foreach output/feedback
Fix 'play clean'
Add isDisconnectMatch
Reference summary figures
Reference summary figures
Update report, abstract to v0.4.1
Write more about Cat and Mouse, add krishnamurthy-2006-cmc-1135777.1135829_adserver_match_distribution.tsv
Write more about Cat and Mouse, add krishnamurthy-2006-cmc-1135777.1135829_adserver_match_distribution.tsv
Write about .SE and GA
Write about .SE and GA
Compare thesis to HTTPS in .SE Health Status
Compare thesis to HTTPS in .SE Health Status
Don't display 0 when it means 'no value'
Don't display 0 when it means 'no value'
Fix Disconnect's categories figure name
Fix Disconnect's categories figure name
Use lowercase sub-figure references
Use lowercase sub-figure references
More mini-figures for the results
More mini-figures for the results
Provide short versions of some headings
Provide short versions of some headings
Add result summary figures
Add result summary figures
Read tables in a separate file
Read tables in a separate file
Use title case for cross-references
Use title case for cross-references
Update conclusions and future work chapter
Update conclusions and future work chapter
Notes in related work chapter
Notes in related work chapter
Rename discussion chapter
Rename discussion chapter
Add notes to results chapter
Add notes to results chapter
Rewrite methodology chapter, move some figures/tables from methodology details
Rewrite methodology chapter, move some figures/tables from methodology details
Rewrite introduction
Rewrite introduction
Rewrite abstract
Rewrite abstract
Move introduction after ToC, make it numbered
Move introduction after ToC, make it numbered
Write about configuration
Add cache file control with 'play index'
Start a proper readme
Fix adding absolute paths
Read null-separated paths from stdin with 'play add -'
Add links, references, minor fixes
Add links, references, minor fixes
Mention that linked documents are pdf files
Update report, abstract to v0.4.0
Move loading of table outside of group to be able to reference it later on
Move loading of table outside of group to be able to reference it later on
Add portrait data pages
Add portrait data pages
Add multi-xbar figure for Disconnect's categories
Add multi-xbar figure for Disconnect's categories
Add multi-xbar figure type, Disconnect organization coverage figure from datasets.non-failed.disconnect.organizations.coverage.external.sorted.tsv
Add multi-xbar figure type, Disconnect organization coverage figure from datasets.non-failed.disconnect.organizations.coverage.external.sorted.tsv
Reduce graph code duplication
Reduce graph code duplication
Edited results
Edited results
Fix some small work-in-progress notes, remove others
Fix some small work-in-progress notes, remove others
Rename to occurrences
Rename (unused) axis labels
Rename (unused) axis labels
Use a macro to load CDF columns, position the legend closer to the inner edges
Use a macro to load CDF columns, position the legend closer to the inner edges
Write more
Write more
Change 'web site' to 'website', which is the current recommended spelling according to AP.
Change 'web site' to 'website', which is the current recommended spelling according to AP.
Write more
Write more
Add normalized occurance count graph for Disconnect organization counts
Add normalized occurance count graph for Disconnect organization counts
Add Disconnect counter buckets
Add datasets.non-failed.disconnect.counts.sorted.tsv and write some about disconnect counts
Add datasets.non-failed.disconnect.counts.sorted.tsv and write some about disconnect counts
Run ratio-buckets with the other questions
Remove commented out code from ratio-buckets
Try to reduce number of getCwd calls when displaying queue/history
Updated the to do-list
Use 'play clean' to remove missing files from queue
Print number of added sounds
Print queue number when adding sounds
Print queue numbers for both queue and history
Add cross-platform sed with extended regexp
Don't accidentally print folder names with pushd/popd when adding folders
Limit 'play history' to 999 items
Attempt to work-around daemon stopping sometimes with a short 'sleep'
Number lines in queue and history
Added readme with only a to do-list
Extract Disconnect's domains and organizations counts
Tables regenerated without top 100 restrictions
Tables regenerated without top 100 restrictions
Fewer restrictions by keeping all instead of only top 100 results
Some more writing
Some more writing
Move mixed usage in between extremes
More results summary
More results summary
Move some table and plot styles
Move some table and plot styles
Column separator after domain count, put mixed column in between extremes
Column separator after domain count, put mixed column in between extremes
Add a results summary table
Add a results summary table
Write about redirects and security
Write about redirects and security
Update document version generation for preamble.tex
Update document version generation for preamble.tex
Use super wide tables for disconnect result data
Use super wide tables for disconnect result data
Introduce super wide dataset tables with shortened dataset names
Introduce super wide dataset tables with shortened dataset names
Updated columns for super wide dataset tables
Ratio buckets for internal domain
Move preamble to a separate file (finally)
Move preamble to a separate file (finally)
More about future work
More about future work
Write about Disconnect's advertisement category
Write about Disconnect's advertisement category
Short names for figures
Short names for figures
Generate output longtable tex code files, use them as cached input
Generate output longtable tex code files, use them as cached input
Month 2014-10
Wrote about redirect responses
Wrote about redirect responses
Remove todo note regarding counting longtables twice
Remove todo note regarding counting longtables twice
Use CDF styles, add fig:Cumulative-distribution-ratio-internal-resources
Use CDF styles, add fig:Cumulative-distribution-ratio-internal-resources
Break out CDF plot styles to preamble
Break out CDF plot styles to preamble
Add axis labels, references to HTTPS chapter
Add axis labels, references to HTTPS chapter
Calculate ratio buckets for different request classification properties
Allow more than two-digit columns in tables
Replace - with -- in text
Replace - with -- in text
Add fig:Cumulative-distribution-ratio-secure-resources
Add fig:Cumulative-distribution-ratio-secure-resources
Added fig:secure-mixed-insecure-redirects
Added fig:secure-mixed-insecure-redirects
Add fig:secure-mixed-insecure-resources
Add fig:secure-mixed-insecure-resources
Ignore, comment
Ignore, comment
Generate and cache pgfplots/tikz figures
Generate and cache pgfplots/tikz figures
Add a legend to fig:internal-mixed-external-resources
Add a legend to fig:internal-mixed-external-resources
Insert fig:HTTP-status-codes
Insert fig:HTTP-status-codes
Make room for a legend below each full page table
Make room for a legend below each full page table
Reference fig:internal-mixed-external-resources
Reference fig:internal-mixed-external-resources
Reference appendices with appendix prefix
Reference appendices with appendix prefix
Merge branch 'result-graphs'
Merge branch 'result-graphs'
Use plot styles for fig:internal-mixed-external-resources
Use plot styles for fig:internal-mixed-external-resources
Break out plot styles for stacked xbar
Break out plot styles for stacked xbar
Float with all 72 dataset stacked bar graph for internal/mixed/external resources
Float with all 72 dataset stacked bar graph for internal/mixed/external resources
Remove generated synctex, lof and lot files, ignore even more file types
Remove generated synctex, lof and lot files, ignore even more file types
chmod -x for some table input files
chmod -x for some table input files
Fix header text for second introduction page
Fix header text for second introduction page
Add RFCs as bibliography references, extracted from a large set of RFCs bibtex entries
Add RFCs as bibliography references, extracted from a large set of RFCs bibtex entries
Move software contribution results last in introduction
Move software contribution results last in introduction
Reference all floated tables
Reference all floated tables
Fix table numbering for floated tables
Fix table numbering for floated tables
Start appendices on a right side page
Start appendices on a right side page
Add header markers to manually inserted ToC entries
Add header markers to manually inserted ToC entries
Explicitly define the use of modern fonts in the preamble
Explicitly define the use of modern fonts in the preamble
Thicker line after table header row, no spacing around dataset divider ruler
Thicker line after table header row, no spacing around dataset divider ruler
Introduce the command \tsvtablewidedatasets to simplify dataset table code. Add a line between datasets groups.
Introduce the command \tsvtablewidedatasets to simplify dataset table code. Add a line between datasets groups.
Mention adding RFC references as biblography entries
Mention adding RFC references as biblography entries
Add table with the .SE Health Status domain categories, move summary tables to section introduction
Add table with the .SE Health Status domain categories, move summary tables to section introduction
Make a note of longtables inside floats being counted twice
Make a note of longtables inside floats being counted twice
Fix wide table's caption and index creation
Fix wide table's caption and index creation
Reduce TOC depth to 1
Reduce TOC depth to 1
Wrote about data analysis and validation methodology
Wrote about data analysis and validation methodology
Keep disconnect's categories per organization
Update GTM table
Update GTM table
Update organizations in more than one Disconnect category with per-category columns
Update organizations in more than one Disconnect category with per-category columns
Merge branch 'tables-in-floats'
Merge branch 'tables-in-floats'
Revert table floats for large sideways tables in the detailed results
Revert table floats for large sideways tables in the detailed results
Reintroduce wide table functions
Reintroduce wide table functions
Wrap tables in floats, which unfortunately do not turn to the side on landscape pages
Wrap tables in floats, which unfortunately do not turn to the side on landscape pages
Modify table commands to not accept table caption
Modify table commands to not accept table caption
Add Domains per organization graph
Add Domains per organization graph
More methodology
More methodology
Mention both HTTP and HTTPS in the abstract
Mention both HTTP and HTTPS in the abstract
Number the TOC in the PDF bookmarks, expand to level 1 by default
Number the TOC in the PDF bookmarks, expand to level 1 by default
Wrote about domain categories/lists and publix suffix in the methodology chapter
Wrote about domain categories/lists and publix suffix in the methodology chapter
Referer (sic)
Referer (sic)
Mention that Alexa's analytics are also an input source
Mention that Alexa's analytics are also an input source
Write about capturing tracker requests
Write about capturing tracker requests
Update methodology overview
Update methodology overview
Add results chapter skeleton
Add results chapter skeleton
Update introduction, add results
Update introduction, add results
Mention .SE report with surveillance worry numbers
Mention .SE report with surveillance worry numbers
Write third-party with a dash
Write third-party with a dash
Create a new methodology chapter structure, based on examiner feedback, move details to appendix
Create a new methodology chapter structure, based on examiner feedback, move details to appendix
Use a darker grey for notes
Use a darker grey for notes
Merge previous chapters expected results, data sources, retrieving websites and resources, analyzing resources into the methodology chapter
Merge previous chapters expected results, data sources, retrieving websites and resources, analyzing resources into the methodology chapter
Mention CDN performance, ads as income in background
Mention CDN performance, ads as income in background
Move bibliography before thanks, nomenclature. Add ToC entries for unnumbered thanks, nomenclature.
Move bibliography before thanks, nomenclature. Add ToC entries for unnumbered thanks, nomenclature.
Make fourth heading level (subsubsection) unnumbered
Make fourth heading level (subsubsection) unnumbered
Put bibliography on a fresh page
Put bibliography on a fresh page
Update nomenclature, put it on the right page
Update nomenclature, put it on the right page
Add reference to Smith et al.: Information privacy, multi-theory, regulation, society, interdisciplinary
Add reference to Smith et al.: Information privacy, multi-theory, regulation, society, interdisciplinary
Add a header with chapter name, document title, author and document type
Add a header with chapter name, document title, author and document type
Separate version and date commands
Separate version and date commands
Explicitly set A4 paper size
Explicitly set A4 paper size
Updated some text about related research and work
Updated some text about related research and work
Explicitly suppress interpretation of backslash escapes in echo, when there are paths and other non-constant input
Move adding a single file path to separate function, fix resolving path
Don't accidentally push emtpy entries to the history
Use pushd/popd
Reduce the number of subshells in get sounds calls
Add null delimited foreach functions
Fix 'play daemon --stop' hack
Add a play limit as 'play start [limit]'
Highlight files on add
Move higlighting a null-delimited list of songs to a function
Add some vertical lines for horizontal/column grouping in tables
Add some vertical lines for horizontal/column grouping in tables
Quick spell check
Quick spell check
Added origin redirects table
Added origin redirects table
Update origin-redirects with mixed security, final is secure and multiset tsv generation
Some updates in the code appendix
Some updates in the code appendix
Minor bibliography updates
Minor bibliography updates
Make minor corrections based on paper notes from examiner
Make minor corrections based on paper notes from examiner
Expand contractions
Expand contractions
Move references inside of sentences ending with a full stop
Move references inside of sentences ending with a full stop
Connect trackers and online privacy
Connect trackers and online privacy
Remove questions heading, move some to future work
Remove questions heading, move some to future work
Move parts of, then remove, potential problems
Move parts of, then remove, potential problems
Mention secure connections' data being passively extracted
Mention secure connections' data being passively extracted
Move current software and results chapters to appendix
Move current software and results chapters to appendix
Mention secure connections in the introduction
Mention secure connections in the introduction
Mention invasion of privacy in the abstract
Mention invasion of privacy in the abstract
Mention Toppdomänlagen
Mention Toppdomänlagen
Split up functions to several files
Move shared scripts to a subfolder
Merge branch 'play-daemon'
Allow adding of arbitrary paths; play add [count] [order] [path ...]
Override number of sounds to add with play add all ...
Check input when adding sounds
Only get absolute path for songs after limiting, as it is very slow
Revert absolute path replacements to bash version
Update .SE turnover for 2013
Update .SE turnover for 2013
Move introduction before TOC
Move introduction before TOC
Move non-essential introduction paragraphs
Move non-essential introduction paragraphs
Move related work towards the end, as recommended by Simon Peyton Jones
Move related work towards the end, as recommended by Simon Peyton Jones
A bit about fonts
A bit about fonts
Add video types
Add audio types
Update image types
Add even more font types
Remove notes to update table with full result datasets
Remove notes to update table with full result datasets
Update play now script
Use play now to display current track
Mention play daemon --stop not working properly
Use 'play start' instead of referencing '' directly
Add play next
Rename Afplayer to player
Removed some unused code
Somewhat working daemon, which relies on play start --wait
Half-working daemon which doesn't clean up/kill its children on exit
Only allow one command to run at the same time
Use relative paths in .play.cache~ files, but absolute in the playlist
Per-user cache config
Use a simple config file
Basic play usage converted to play [command] format, with queue and history
Initial play wrapper and original shell script hack
Initial commit
Rewrite abstract, move old abstract to introduction
Rewrite abstract, move old abstract to introduction
Wrote more
Wrote more
Updated date for v0.3.1
Remove borders around links, allow link line wrap
Remove borders around links, allow link line wrap
Month 2014-09
Updated abstract to match v0.3.1
Remove scrapped time plan
Remove scrapped time plan
Note to write about blocked domain/organization counts
Note to write about blocked domain/organization counts
Wording in abstract
Wording in abstract
Remove temp files upon script exit
Remove temp files upon script exit
Use stderr for errors
Use stderr for errors
Freshly brewed data from all 72 datasets
Freshly brewed data from all 72 datasets
Shorten table headers
Write about primary domain
Write about primary domain
Non-parallel per dataset execution
Use only a single value despite faulty disconnect input
Re-add mistakenly overwritten superdomain counter
Write about Cat and Mouse: Content Delivery Tradeoffs in Web Access
Write about Cat and Mouse: Content Delivery Tradeoffs in Web Access
Don't save referer values
Don't keep raw disconnect values
Rename effectlive tld to public suffic, move before classification, add same primary domain as a classification for internal domains
More about results, like requests counts
More about results, like requests counts
Expand request count output
Add public suffix coverage, rename disconnect external coverage
Update abstract and introduction
Update abstract and introduction
More about Disconnect and Public Suffixes, etcetera
More about Disconnect and Public Suffixes, etcetera
Write about .SE Health Status findings, publix suffixes, other stuff
Write about .SE Health Status findings, publix suffixes, other stuff
Add .SE Health Status 2008, 2009, 2010
Add .SE Health Status 2008, 2009, 2010
Disolve many code insets used for project names like jq, phantomjs and har-*
Disolve many code insets used for project names like jq, phantomjs and har-*
Write about future work, results, update older paragraphs
Write about future work, results, update older paragraphs
Add an environment for future work
Add an environment for future work
Write about HTTP response status, non-/failed origins, HTTPS, mime-types
Write about HTTP response status, non-/failed origins, HTTPS, mime-types
Add request status and mime-type coverage
Add in/secure int/ext/all resources plus mixed domain coverage
Add mixed domain scope
Calculate successful, unsuccessful, non-failed and failed origins
Update table number formatting, some results
Update table number formatting, some results
Ignore LyX *.emergency files
Ignore LyX *.emergency files
Run all multiset queries
Multiset disconnect's selected top domains
Shorten column names
Vertically align wide data tables in the middle of the rotated page
Vertically align wide data tables in the middle of the rotated page
Allow landscape/wide pages for wide tables etcetera
Allow landscape/wide pages for wide tables etcetera
Rename and delete sum after using it for sorting
Rename and run disconnect question with the others
Regroup disconnect's categories and organizations
Compare Disconnect's blocked organizations between datasets
Some more multiset table extractions
Rename table function to reflect TSV usage
Rename table function to reflect TSV usage
Replace inline tables with external tsv files
Replace inline tables with external tsv files
Forgot there was a join(...) call to put the CR in
Use function and local variables for easier code sharing (TBD)
Use pgfplotstable and macros to insert tables from tsv files
Use pgfplotstable and macros to insert tables from tsv files
Scripts to generate data tables
Scripts to generate data tables
Use TSV instead of CSV for download retries
Add TSV tools
Break out cleaning CSV headers
End lines with CRLF as per
Skip forcing @text output and let @csv take care of it
Reuse logic for object to csv row between header and body
Wrote more
Wrote more
More about Contributions to other open source projects
More about Contributions to other open source projects
Update domain list table with unique count, tld distribution, mention contributions to other projects, write about P3P policies, update mime-types, etcetera
Update domain list table with unique count, tld distribution, mention contributions to other projects, write about P3P policies, update mime-types, etcetera
Write about har-portent, update some code details
Write about har-portent, update some code details
Mention The Tangled Web: A Guide to Securing Modern Web Applications
Mention The Tangled Web: A Guide to Securing Modern Web Applications
Write about superdomain, insecure classification
Write about superdomain, insecure classification
Write more about domain lists
Write more about domain lists
Ignore .tex files, as they are supposed to be temporary when generating output from .lyx files
Ignore .tex files, as they are supposed to be temporary when generating output from .lyx files
Increase parallelism as failures are more and more certain to be definite.
Add link to har-portent
Made CSS prettier
Released a report draft
A bit about future work etcetera
A bit about future work etcetera
Thank you Yaffle for URLUtils.js
Make relative redirects absolute to the request that generated it
Remove the single domain downloader, as it's easier to call the single url downloader
Add origin redirect chain question/analysis
Add isInsecure basic classification
Pass Alexa top list as a parameter
Exclude 304 as a redirect
Add is superdomain classification
Download https and www. variations of domains
Script to first download then analyze multiple lists of domains
Re-focus code on downloading URLs, albeit only domain root URLs at this point in time
Initial commit
Fix find path exclusion by reordering the arguments
Month 2014-08
Parallelize domain extraction a bit
Use an available shuf program
Remove unique testing/debugging
Prepare large zones (.com, .net) files
Calculate differences in failed versus non-failed downloads in subsequent datasets where failed domains have been retried.
Use a simplified progress bar when downloading third-party datasets
Use the entire HTTP status 3xx range for redirect detection
Transparent clickable gonifs
Highlight the individual hexagon lines on click, instead of the gonif lines
Draw clickable gonifs/hexagonifs
Simplified running a command on multiple datasets
Fix tailing a null-terminated list
Autostart highlighting
Broke out a couple of utils
Made HighlightOnInterval start/stoppable
Change default presentation values
Standardize event system, build a user activity monitor
Merge branch 'gonif-graph'
General purpose async function queue
Disable gonif neighbor debug lines
Generate gonifs horitzontally then vertically, from the center
Refactor to tee output, more functions
Split and clean up alexa's toplist
Fix google gtm/ga/dc check url reference
Use minimal input data level
More mime-types mapped
Sort and get top results in for public suffix, mime-type counts
Fix private-prefixes by saving a reference to the current public-suffixes, fix picking the primary-domain for distinct URLs
Prevent infinite loops caused by input data being close to chunk size, fallback to merging two and two
More notes
More notes
More writing on random topics
More writing on random topics
Add private-prefixes (as opposed to public-suffixes), aggregated as a single primary-domain
Rename to public-suffixes
Count TLDs
Count all domains in all files
Use bash execution instead of backticks
Updated URL splitting from jq-hopkok
Accidentally referenced an array by name twice
Stricter string type checking
Change ignored scheme blacklist to whitelist
Map more mime-types
Prefilter data before aggregation, to automate grouping
Add requests status to analysis
Don't limit mime-types
Don't limit the public suffix list
Add isUnsuccessful and isFailed request classifications
Also create inverted domain lists, for domain to group lookups
Add .se health status report 2013
Add .se health status report 2013
Add a generic, simple reduce/merge deep addition of object with numbers
Expand URLs much more, fix expanded URL references, add isInternalDomain, isExternalDomain, isSuccessful classification
Use correct project name and tagline
Use github repository URL instead of github page URL
Split an URL into components, join them together
Readme, licenses
Initial commit
Rename boolean json name checking function to the opposite
Try to be more strict with type checking checking for failed requests
HTTPS for Google's font api
Flash files, URL components
Flash files, URL components
Write about data analysis, add placeholder headings
Write about data analysis, add placeholder headings
Write about software considerations downloading domains
Write about software considerations downloading domains
Fix GTM question parallelization problem by splitting up work to preparation and aggregation
Add Google Tag Manager question
Look at second level domains in domain lists
Retrieving websites and resources, spell check
Retrieving websites and resources, spell check
Month 2014-07
Domain list preparation script for the .se health check domains
Write about .se health status and the public suffix list
Write about .se health status and the public suffix list
Move code headings, data set headings
Move code headings, data set headings
Write about domains lists, for example
Write about domains lists, for example
Write more about scripts
Write more about scripts
Ignore temporary lyx files
Ignore temporary lyx files
Dump lyx pdf generation console output to a log file.
Dump lyx pdf generation console output to a log file.
Don't crash on null mime parameter value (charset) strings
Use empty objects instead of ugly null values
Fix hacky malformed mime fix not returning mime parts
Parallelize parts of the data transformations
Try to protect against paths with unusual characters
Create disconnect dataset analysis as part of preparations
Run aggregate preparations in parallel
Explictly arithmetic comparison
Write about tools and code
Write about tools and code
Add official GNU parallel citation
Add official GNU parallel citation
Experimental parallelized map/reduce code for the final aggregation steps
Delete duplicated functions
Hack fixes for malformed/empty urls and mime types
Filter HAR data on failure/success of the initial request
Add neighbors to neighbors that were added just before
Add gonifs in two dimensions; fails partially for randomized start positions close to the corners
Draw the neighbor graph with the hexagons
Create a network of gonifs instead of hexagons
Create a new scope, pass fewer arguments recursively
Lazily cache
Break down hegaxon's getCacheKey into parts
Properties instead of functions, for a probably neglible effect
Comment on hexagons
Use for-loops instead of .forEach to reduce stack clutter while debugging
Better logic for undefined variables and properties
Name some anonymous functions
Use objects instead of arrays for cache based cache
Timeout phantomjs after 90 seconds
Use base64 --decode, which is supported across more platforms
Add check for GNU parallel
Use GNU parallel for improved CPU load handling, output domain as a progress indicator
Add the current domain as a progress indicator
Only look for .har files
Add sleep after opening a webpage, to allow additional async resources to load and render
Mention using lowercase input
Make clickable checking more resilient
Add links to cloudflare's dnssec presentation at icann50
Read list of domains from stdin
Make parallelism count an argument
Remove counter and timestamp from output
Optional screenshots
Move and remove functions
Add domains-per-organization analysis
Wrote about some sites in each category of disconnect's blocking list
Wrote about some sites in each category of disconnect's blocking list
See if it's possible to look at P3P policies
See if it's possible to look at P3P policies
About external tools, data sets and own code
About external tools, data sets and own code
Hide older log entries
Shame IETF and PayPal for their www. CNAMEs
Remove space that snuck into search-replace once
Remove space that snuck into search-replace once
Output CSV based on an array of objects
Use @text instead of tostring
Add analysis of disconnect's blocking
Add coverage/percentage calculations
Define lookups as functions instead of variables, use replace for strings
Output the different possible json paths in an object
See discussion regarding the `show-struct` tool by @ilyash.
Add a basic aggregate analysis
Add groups to mime-types
Allow taking of objects from the end of the array
Produce distinct values per domain
Added basic aggregates script
Script to take elements from a JSON array
Link to RFCs for content/mime-types
Mangle properties instead of building a new object
Download disconnect's services.json as part of the preparations
Add domain name groups according to Mozilla's effective tld name list, to avoid some second level domain grouping issues with for example
Month 2014-06
Exit if a prerequisite isn't found
Exit if a prerequisite isn't found
Split domains to parts
Remove code to detect malformed HAR files
Find malformed HAR files from a list of paths
Remove simple scripts
A single script to run preparations, and a single script to extract data
Instead of reading files from paths, use an external cat and read from stdin
Check if headers exists before extracting the referrer
Generate a single request entry with the origin url that failed
Default domain listing to current directory
Reword error message
Actually use exit code for phantomjs call
Use current directory for output, call scripts relative to script path
Best practice to define bash script
Best practice to define bash script
Use a home-cooked https redirector with local configuration
Redirect to HTTPS by default (to be tested on the live server)
Use HTTPS for the local domain
Mention t-shirts, happy amel at ICANN50
Use CSS to switch success/failure images, reduce javascript generated HTML
Added happy Anne-Marie image for good results
Add to list of known good examples
Transform disconnect's services.json file to a format that's faster to make lookups against, with speedups of about 99.6%
Speed up disconnect matching by about 40% by not splitting key-value objects several times
Remove unused function
Classify requests against service list
Rename to reflect basic classifications
Wrote about some of the tools used
Wrote about some of the tools used
Started converting the planning document to a master's thesis, with the appropriate headings
Started converting the planning document to a master's thesis, with the appropriate headings
Add trailing slash
Add trailing slash
Add simple URL classification
Expand extracted request parts for easier classification and aggregation
Rename function as HTTP specific, even if it isn't strictly
Extract more details from request/response entries
Link to open source projects
Look at errors in individual entries for comments (errors)
Month 2014-05
Parallel HAR batch downloading
Update project one-line summary
Allow resetting of lines
Only automatically highlight hexagons one in ten times
Delay automatic highlighting by one interval (second) each time the user manually highlights something, up to
about ten intervals.
Move hexagon highlight logic to renderer
Add lines as sides to hexagons, highlight random hexagons on a timer
Highlight random lines on a timer
Simple reload link
More styling, putting the header towards the middle of the page
Crude firing of custom events
Try to distinguish touch from mouse events
Check for timeline and profile capabilities before callin functions
More survey comments
More survey comments
Link to potential hexagonif github repo
Vary color on the x axis
Set absolute min and max for hexagon sides
Use a once() function for the mouse detector, wrap resize detector variable
Transparent lines by default looks better for async execution
Only generate hexagons after a mouse movement has been detected
A bit of styling for content on a lighter background
Change hexagon side length based on canvas size
Calculate colors by location
Rename the project to har-dulcify
Rename the project to har-heedless
Extract URLs, mime-types, referers
Find har files with errors (non-empty comments)
Split URLs into parts
Break out jq variable, simplify
Add a readme and a license
Use a modified local version of netsniff.js
Use a local version of netsniff.js, from PhantomJS
Update to the latest versions of everything
Use GPL3 for heedless
Use st to get resource caching, compression
Update npm dependencies
Fix some package.json values
Naughty or nice, not the other way around
Use context.getAddress with return_both_v4_and_v6 (which may or may not be the default)
Build a placeholder HAR file with an error comment instead of a plain error message string output
Concat multiple json streams with arrays
Only output latest domain file path it if exists
Mention that Alexa's top 25 should be fetched dynamically
Add more resources, make resources display in two columns
Add as a known good example
Month 2014-04
Extract all request urls
Script to get only the latest domain results
Initial commit
Log /name-shame/ request errors to console and return an HTTP 500 error
Ignore local configvention overrides
Mention hosting by NLnet Labs
Use the larger image as site image
Domain Name System Security Extensions in title, link to video about DNSSEC
Normalize Are you really safe from DNS spoofing online?
Who's been nice, instead of good
Mention A records and cache, in reference to #1
Guess who have done it right!
Split TNW link
Use photo of Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder
Mention winning PayPal's TNW prize
Update tweet url format
Update TODO
Add to logs, format title
Add some #shame to tweets
Add known good examples of organizations and companies
Show ticks and crosses in the prepared lists
A bit of layout; logo float left, two columns etcetera
Add link to alexa
Add an angry nun as site logo
Add Alexa's top 25 sites worldwide
Small code cleanups
Don't play a sound if there's a serve side failure, just resubmit the form as a hack solution
Add a list of hack battle participants with an onclick handler to check their dnssec status
Fix domain regexp to accept subdomains
Mention The Next Web, Verisign Labs, NLnet Labs
Sounds have been added
Update with requirements, getting started
Remove node from NPM package name, as per naming conventions
Add fail and done sounds for manual lookups
Update copyright for 2014
Proof of concept ajax call on submit
Fix links in README
Bind to a specific IP, rename port setting
Change domain to
Initial commit with working proof of concept
Ignore jumps while the alt key is pressed
Merge branch 'alampros-modifierkeys'
Conflicts: dist/bespoke-jumpy.min.js