Use git version when packaging zip files

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630 commits
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Joel Purra
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Use git version when packaging zip files

  • Previously, the packaging used the hardcoded version from package.json.
  • Changes to the code would not be reflected in the package naming if packaging was rerun.
  • Using the dynamic git describe shows if there were commits (with both the count and the current commit hash) and/or uncommitted (dirty) changes since the most recent vX.Y.Z tag.
Raw text
Use git version when packaging zip files

- Previously, the packaging used the hardcoded version from `package.json`.
- Changes to the code would not be reflected in the package naming if packaging was rerun.
- Using the dynamic `git describe` shows if there were commits (with both the count and the current commit hash) and/or uncommitted (dirty) changes since the most recent `vX.Y.Z` tag.

Changed files (1)

Path Additions Deletions
package.json +12 -11

Commit categories (3)