Index of 7 entries from . This day is part of week 50, and is day number 346 of year 2017. Entries belong to 3 different categories, talkie, npshell, and homebrew-joelpurra.
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Trim null character from line count when adding to playlist
Mention if a path is a symlink if it cannot be added to the playlist
Add newline after sounds in queue/history counts
Assume terminal-notifier v2.0.0 is used, and remove alerter flags
- Versions before terminal-notifier v2.0.0 had bugs related to "alerter" mode notifications. - Workarounds were in place in `npshell`. - Removed workarounds, assuming terminal-not…→ Full commit message
Merge branch 'release/v5.0.0'
* release/v5.0.0: (64 commits) 5.0.0 Ignore linting demo.css Remove links to espeak Use HTTPS where possible Add links to install additional voices Use higher resoluti…→ Full commit message