Index of 11 entries from . All entries belong to a single category, talkie.
Generate lerna package graph list
- Outputs a JSON-formatted adjacency list of `@talkie/*` packages plus individual dependencies. - The list includes non-internal packages. - The list is sorted in topographical or…→ Full commit message
Use lerna/nx cache for build steps
- Caches per-package files for `build` and `reconstruct` steps. - Mainly concerns the output in `dist/` directories. - Relies on the inferred package build order. - Cached out…→ Full commit message
Generate nx graphs
- Uses `nx graph` to generate a JSON dependency list and HTML graph. - Similar to the existing lists and graphs in `./dist/graph/`. See - [`./code/graph/nx.graph.html`](./code/g…→ Full commit message
Output graphs in ./dist/graph
- Change output directory from `./packages` to `./dist/graph`.
Format *.mjs files
Use prettier on *.mjs files
Stricter TALKIE_ENV checks
Show collected errors in option page
- Output at bottom of page. - Includes short explanation. - Output list of stringified error JSON.
Add settings to continue/stop when page closes/URL changes
- When selecting page text for speaking, using the Talkie browser button or corresponding keyboard shortcut, the "speaking tab" (id number) is stored. - Does not apply for text …→ Full commit message
Move to Manifest Version 3 (MV3)
- Use of MV3 for new/updated webexts is now enforced by the Google Chrome Web Store (CWS). - Use of MV2 is "discouraged", and MV2 webexts may be removed from CWS. - The change…→ Full commit message