Index of 50 entries from . Entries belong to 4 different categories, collect-npm-readmes, node-vidy, vidy-slack-bot, and botten-nappet.
Add more dependency injection
Split source code to (more) packages
Separate typescript compilation from rollup
First step towards dependency injection
Use second type parameter in IWebSocketCommand
Make all parameter properties readonly as well
Switch to using parameter properties where possible
Merge branch 'release/v7.0.0'
* release/v7.0.0: (39 commits) v7.0.0 Close separately from the http server Simplify start/stop, only stop from the shared main function Replace modified logger …→ Full commit message
Merge branch 'feature/fix-shutdown' into develop
* feature/fix-shutdown: Close separately from the http server Simplify start/stop, only stop from the shared main function
Close separately from the http server
Simplify start/stop, only stop from the shared main function
Merge branch 'feature/logger-naming' into develop
* feature/logger-naming: Replace modified logger names' Search-replace to use
Replace modified logger names'
Search-replace to use
Check if startables have been initialized before stopping them
Fix large response ECONNRESET by adding connection keep-alive
Merge branch 'feature/upgrade-dependencies' into develop
* feature/upgrade-dependencies: Lock rxjs to v6.0.0-alpha.3 Upgrade ws Upgrade rollup Upgrade axios Upgrade dependencies
Lock rxjs to v6.0.0-alpha.3
Merge branch 'release/v1.0.0'
* release/v1.0.0: v1.0.0 Add /vidy slack command for VIDY API queries Add basic README with setup commands Add @google-cloud/functions-emulator Add eslint Add package.…→ Full commit message
Merge branch 'release/v1.0.0'
* release/v1.0.0: v1.0.0 Add vidy command line tool Add usage example Add vidy api search functionality Add readme Add eslint Add package.json Add .editorconfig …→ Full commit message
Add vidy command line tool
Add usage example
Add AGPL-3.0 license
Add AGPL-3.0 license
Add vidy api search functionality
Add eslint
Add readme
Add package.json
Add .editorconfig
Initial commit
Upgrade ws
Upgrade rollup
Upgrade axios
Upgrade dependencies
Upgrade rxjs to v6.2.0
Add package.json files for faux internal packages
Add Aurelia dependency injection
Merge branch 'feature/split-main-backend' into develop
* feature/split-main-backend: Convert main startup code to classes Move the vidy connection to separate files Move the twitch polling connections to separate files WIP mov…→ Full commit message