Index of 13 entries from . Entries belong to 3 different categories, conversation-augmentation-chat-mediator-bot, homebrew-joelpurra, and npshell.
Add brew services start to installation instructions
Audit npshell formula
npshell v1.4.0
Read both id3v2 and id3v1 fallback values
Escape first character in messages for terminal-notifier
Add sleep before track change notification
Warm up cache for id3v2 execution
Workaround bug in terminal-notifier by adding configurable timeout
- Previously, the notifications would only work once. - This seems to be related to `terminal-notifier` not exiting automatically after displaying the notification. - The issue is…→ Full commit message
Optionally follow sound file symlinks
- Some sounds may be not be actual files, byt symlinked to the actual file. - Not all players (for example `afplay`) handle symlinks correctly. - This change introduces the boolea…→ Full commit message
Skip hidden folders or hidden files when looking for sounds
Fix screenshots in README
- There seems to have been a markdown rendering change on github: spaces in the urls of images and/or links break the markdown. - This change fixes the three images in the README.