Index of 384 entries from . Entries belong to 33 different categories, including node-dnssec-name-shame, autocleancallback, ep-erroneous-votes, formfieldinfo, and shell-keystroke-animator.
Month 2015-08
Use HTTPS instead of HTTP where possible
Add social share buttons/counters
Minor code cleanup
Ignore log files
Month 2015-07
jqnpm v0.5.6
Update tree structure
Update README files, at least as placeholders
Add short script explanations
Make sure files are normalized in git
Copy scripts from har-dulcify and ep-erroneous-votes
debounce uses different namespaces depending on external factors
Fix open graph image internet media type
Define the viewport
Debounce and delay window resize events
Also listen to touch/tap events
It seems the mouse-detector can be triggered without a mouse -- so if these listeners are started for the mouse, might as well use them for touch as well.
Upgrade to oCanvas v2.7.4
Fixing dummy json -- forgot why it's even there, but keeping it for now
Add link to github
Upgrade to Meddelare,
Fix some code style issues
Add the extend dependency
Use camel-case for options, pass sub-options from SocialButtonsServerMiddleware to SocialButtonsCounts
Use child loggers in SocialButtonsServerMiddleware and SocialButtonsCounts
Don't keep a console reference in the default class options
Split social buttons server middleware class to a server and a count request class
Make SocialButtonsServerMiddleware a class with a separate router
Try to avoid sending parallel count requests per network/url
Use a per-network and url in-memory cache
Fix Google Plus count regexp
Stricter checks of network count responses
Propagate count request errors to promise, return -1 for unknown counts
Check for unknown social networks
Sort social network counts object
Use a catch-all forbidden error for th social-buttons-server sub-app
Rewrite social-buttons-server as router/sub-application
Upgrade forked social-buttons-server code
Add a light green border around the file selector
Encourage re-use
Link to wikipedia from the footer
Add social sharing buttons, backed by a proxied call on the same server as the rest of the code
Ask instead of tell
Longer description, consistent use of the word photo
Add more user-friendly error messages, and a spinner to show that there's a background process
Reword terms
Add real placeholder before/after pictures
Add background photo, clean up text
Use locally installed fonts
Enable rainbow flag overlay
Check the x-forwarded-proto header before redirecting to HTTPS (again)
Save default AWS region and S3 bucket
HTTPS verified to work for the primary domain, now enforce it
Month 2015-06
Make console logging level configurable
More aggressive polling for before and after pictures on both server and client
POC manipulation of uploaded images
POC file upload directly to S3
Website scaffolding
Initial commit
More info in 'np doctor'
Make npshell notifications recommended
npshell v1.3.0
Use id3v2 tags in notifications, if available
Check if $PWD exists before continuing
Month 2015-05
Log entry about missing corrected data for term 8, full term 7 dataset
Add output for term 6/7 generated 2015-05-30T09:25:16Z
Copyright add 2015
Copyright add 2015
Reword Parltrack reference
Copyright add 2015
Display fallbacks for invalid values
Reword Parltrack reference
Extract number of voters, extract MEP data for comparison
Add a dataset summary
Change default filenames
Remove stray closing tag
Add language to the MO article
Refactor aggregates a bit
Add link to article in Mondiaal Nieuws
Refactor data transformations
Use bash builtin type instead of which to look for executables
Add man page generation for np(1)
npshell v1.2.0
Clean up help commands
Merge pull request #3 from RobertAudi/help-command
Add a help command * RobertAudi/help-command: Add a help command
Add ready-made reference/citation formats
Paper as submitted to IMC15
Render Alexa rank vs Disconnect organizations figure
Add Alexa rank to origin domains, when available
Used to extract statistics connected to the Alexa rank. So far the number of organizations per domain is extracted.
Renamed rendered pdf files
Add figures-ng.tex to instructions
Add linear regression lines to Disconnect category http/s scatter plot
Add Disconnect categories/organizations https-www variation
Adjusted/scaled 2xx/3xx results
Fix x axis label
Moved xaxis labels a bit closer
Add separate secure resources mini CDF
Fix meta for scatter figure
Tighter axis labels
Split figures relying on pgfplot 1.12 commands to separate file
Merge branch 'figure-trim-hack'
* figure-trim-hack: Fix some figure styling Replace trimmed pdf figures with new figures in the right size Use unix line endings Add .gitattributes to normalize line endin…→ Full commit message
Fix some figure styling
Replace trimmed pdf figures with new figures in the right size
Use unix line endings
Add .gitattributes to normalize line endings
Name each figure's output file individially
Restore deleted figures
Month 2015-04
Niklas draft with figures trimmed after pdf rendering, some figures removed for testing purposes
Added abstract draft from Niklas
Updated draft fom Niklas
Draft scatter plot over http/https disconnect categories
Remove unused tables
Update labels, fix dataset selection
Add http-www figure
Explicity use http(s)-www variations
Use Swedish/global datasets, 2x3 figures, slightly resized
Create ybar variation of previous xbar figures commands
Clean up code, update readme
Use .tex instead of .lyx
Move page and table commands out of the preamble to allow externalized generation
Move figure commands out of the preamble to allow externalized generation
Change pdf metadata
Start removing thesis, replace with paper
Add menu items, reorder and hide headings
Move most CSS to an external file
Instructions for creating paper.pdf
Add Niklas as an author
Rename report to paper
Update readme with new title 'Swedes Online: You Are More Tracked Than You Think'
Remove non-paper documents
Remove official university front and back matter
Link to demo
Update copyright
Merge branch 'draw-gonifs'
* draw-gonifs: Transparent clickable gonifs Highlight the individual hexagon lines on click, instead of the gonif lines Draw clickable gonifs/hexagonifs
Use --devel for gitslave
Update usage
gitslave devel v2.0.2-joelpurra-48-g733e659 (new formula)
Merge branch 'bug-21'
* bug-21: Don't use hardcoded perl path
Don't use hardcoded perl path
perl is hard coded in the gits script Patch by Jose Santiago
Merge branch 'bug-20'
* bug-20: Fix parsing output which took time to complete
Merge branch 'bug-19'
* bug-19: Fix git status error
Fix parsing output which took time to complete
Handle 'git status' output when the operation takes time Patch by Jose Santiago
Fix git status error
Error: gits unexpected status output (missing branch) Patch by James T. Tanis
Update pdf metadata
Update pdf metadata
Add obligatory front matter, back matter and blank pages
Add obligatory front matter, back matter and blank pages
npshell v1.1.5
More aggressive pid file deletion
npshell v1.1.4
Re-add renamed function
Clean up even more pid files
npshell v1.1.2
Clean up dead pid files automatically
npshell v1.1.1
Don't override exit code
npshell v1.1.0
Merge branch 'notifications'
* notifications: Return success from functions, move warning if no notifier was found, even less output Reduce amount of information output by default Additional documentati…→ Full commit message
Merge branch 'daemon-rework'
* daemon-rework: Update documentation Add 'np startstop', which works like a broken play/pause button Make 'playing' the default mode Make 'np next' work even if the playe…→ Full commit message
Return success from functions, move warning if no notifier was found, even less output
Month 2015-03
Reduce amount of information output by default
Additional documentation
np daemon and notify --is-running, improved --stop and process handling
Add support for checking if notifications are already running
Notification support, at least on OS X with terminal-notifier
Update documentation
Add 'np startstop', which works like a broken play/pause button
Make 'playing' the default mode
Make 'np next' work even if the player is stopped
Get system specific info with 'np doctor'
Convert daemon to use a file for the mode and control the player
Month 2015-02
The rest of the opposition fixes
The rest of the opposition fixes
Add TLD to nomenclature
Add TLD to nomenclature
Add dataset references when referencing a single dataset in figures from result chapter
Add dataset references when referencing a single dataset in figures from result chapter
Update result highlights table
Update result highlights table
Fix nomenclature page header title
Fix nomenclature page header title
Use absolute URLs for social/semantic web images again
Use absolute URLs for social/semantic web images again
A bit more responsive design for columns
Still need a designer...