Index of 86 entries from . Entries belong to 6 different categories, including har-dulcify, masters-thesis, more-tracked-paper, node-dnssec-name-shame, and har-heedless.
Write about .se health status and the public suffix list
Write about .se health status and the public suffix list
Move code headings, data set headings
Move code headings, data set headings
Write about domains lists, for example
Write about domains lists, for example
Write more about scripts
Write more about scripts
Ignore temporary lyx files
Ignore temporary lyx files
Dump lyx pdf generation console output to a log file.
Dump lyx pdf generation console output to a log file.
Don't crash on null mime parameter value (charset) strings
Use empty objects instead of ugly null values
Fix hacky malformed mime fix not returning mime parts
Parallelize parts of the data transformations
Try to protect against paths with unusual characters
Create disconnect dataset analysis as part of preparations
Run aggregate preparations in parallel
Explictly arithmetic comparison
Write about tools and code
Write about tools and code
Add official GNU parallel citation
Add official GNU parallel citation
Experimental parallelized map/reduce code for the final aggregation steps
Delete duplicated functions
Hack fixes for malformed/empty urls and mime types
Filter HAR data on failure/success of the initial request
Add neighbors to neighbors that were added just before
Add gonifs in two dimensions; fails partially for randomized start positions close to the corners
Draw the neighbor graph with the hexagons
Create a network of gonifs instead of hexagons
Create a new scope, pass fewer arguments recursively
Lazily cache
Break down hegaxon's getCacheKey into parts
Properties instead of functions, for a probably neglible effect
Comment on hexagons
Use for-loops instead of .forEach to reduce stack clutter while debugging
Better logic for undefined variables and properties
Name some anonymous functions
Use objects instead of arrays for cache based cache
Timeout phantomjs after 90 seconds
Use base64 --decode, which is supported across more platforms
Add check for GNU parallel
Use GNU parallel for improved CPU load handling, output domain as a progress indicator
Add the current domain as a progress indicator
Only look for .har files
Add sleep after opening a webpage, to allow additional async resources to load and render
Mention using lowercase input
Make clickable checking more resilient
Add links to cloudflare's dnssec presentation at icann50
Read list of domains from stdin
Make parallelism count an argument
Remove counter and timestamp from output
Optional screenshots
Move and remove functions
Add domains-per-organization analysis
Wrote about some sites in each category of disconnect's blocking list
Wrote about some sites in each category of disconnect's blocking list
See if it's possible to look at P3P policies
See if it's possible to look at P3P policies
About external tools, data sets and own code
About external tools, data sets and own code
Hide older log entries
Shame IETF and PayPal for their www. CNAMEs
Remove space that snuck into search-replace once
Remove space that snuck into search-replace once
Output CSV based on an array of objects
Use @text instead of tostring
Add analysis of disconnect's blocking
Add coverage/percentage calculations
Define lookups as functions instead of variables, use replace for strings
Output the different possible json paths in an object
See discussion regarding the `show-struct` tool by @ilyash.