Index of 67 entries from . Entries belong to 4 different categories, ep-erroneous-votes, claimid-dump, ep-projects, and ep-the-corrections.
Hide most recent term 5 data, and older log entries
Link to the article
Added a script to split votings into EP terms
Move old note about terms, clarify in terms log
Add dump from 2014-01-30T19:17:19Z, log about EP terms
Define functions flatten and keyCounterObject
Break out filtering votings with corrected votes to a (potentially) re-usable function
Add link to the source for this page
Add dump from 2014-01-30T16:12:14Z
Use an object for key-value storage of MEP name and name occurance count
Generate JSON output of input file aggregate statistics, instead of old and busted line output
Removed duplicated remove notice
Add dump from 2014-01-30T01:33:32Z
Mention output changes
Add dump from 2014-01-29T23:44:56Z
The styles should not be scoped
Added TODO-items for aggregates in code, with some adhoc examples I think work
Added two TODO items
Normalize correction arrays of name strings or person objects, to only objects - even if some have to be faked. Group corrections by MEP database ID, or the faked ID based on MEP name.
Remove the word intro in the title
Add formatting, warning about duplicated votings from parltrack
Clarify licenses
Clarify licenses
Add data dump from 2014-01-29T16:48:39Z
Added note about incorrectly parsed names, removed links to data without MEP ids
Remove broken MEP name grouping
Only display dossier links and anchors when there's a dossier id
Spell license
Change to ISO 8601 date format for upstream data source date
Log adding disclaimer and explanations
Use MEP instead of member in a few places
Add output from 2014-01-28T23:10:51Z
Disclaimer and an explanation regarding corrected votes
Merge pull request #1 from MattiSG/patch-1
Mention ep-the-corrections as a consumer project
Reduce repetition
Add output from 2014-01-27T15:10:38Z
One line explanations for the open source projects
Sort votings in descending order by timestamp
Add some rendered output
Remove bad characters from default output path in vote-counts, too
Remove bad characters from default output path
Change title, short url
Project information page
Initial commit
Use txt as the file extension for the plain text list of worst offenders
Show optional arguments separately, mention configuration file overrides
Make it easy to link to a specific voting on the page
Make the date/time in the title smaller
Use the full person objects to be able to link MEPs to Parltrack
Link to Parltrack dossiers - but note that this is a future feature of Parltrack
Incorrect usage of legend, should be caption
Add templates and output paths as configvention options
Template rendering code for the full correction dump
Initial commit
Split up requirements and usage
Fix up vote counts
Mention jq as a prerequisite
Preserve input as arrays, instead of splitting them to just separate lines
Use infile instead of indir, for more flexible testing
Add links to the hackathon, update usage descriptions, add todo item to create a separate web page
Add a bit of documentation in the scripts
Extract and prettify jq strings
Add usage to readme
Ignore everything in the data folder
Initial commit
Merge pull request #1 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README