Index of 303 entries from . Entries belong to 29 different categories, including jekyll-theme-demivolte, bespoke-secondary, wellcomparedir, bespoke-logbook, and followup.
Month 2013-12
Pretty demo photo
Added tests
Initial commit
Remove convenient plugin per deck activation
Remove convenient plugin per deck activation
Remove convenient plugin per deck activation from demo
Remove convenient plugin per deck activation
Documentation on dependencies
Update to bespoke-convenient v0.3.0
Bump to bespoke.js v0.3.1
Update to bespoke-convenient v0.3.0
Bump to bespoke.js v0.3.1
Merge branch 'auto-loading-convenient'
Bump dependencies
Use bespoke-convenient v0.3.0
Bump to bespoke.js v0.3.1
Bump to bespoke.js v0.3.1
Use dependency loading through bespoke-convenient
Document dependency option, cv.activateDeck(deck), cv.getStorage(deck)
Remove reference to Math
Use paranthesis for clarification
Merge branch 'deck-dependency-activation'
Activate dependencies per deck, hierarchically
Remember to use the pluginName from the options
Make depencies an empty array by default
Test getStorage
Require per-deck activation to activate convenient's storage functionality
Merge branch 'deck-storage'
Conflicts: src/bespoke-convenient.js
Merge branch 'define-dependencies'
Check if dependencies have been loaded
Define pluginName through optional options object
Merge branch 'check-plugin-loaded'
Merge branch 'markdalgleish-dont-mutate-deck'
Check if the plugin has been loaded already
Rename to fix case in toObjectID.js
Split web.js into a couple of smaller files
Not forcing http request anymore
Don't try and lowercase incorrect usernames
Accept non-200 http responses, but don't try and generate dumps from them
Don't try and stop response from inside a cleaning function
Use null instead of undefined, to be more clear that it's explicitly implicit that all fields should be returned
Use mongodb's native_parser
Use mongodb's connection pooling features by re-using the MongoClient
Fix object key dot cleaning; multiple replacements, and don't delete untouched keys
Absolut image urls, site owner defined
Add twitter card
Add some page meta data, logotypes from ClaimID
Make requests a bit more stable
Successfully cache users, http requests, dumped data
First steps of saving results to a database
Mention web archive alternatives
Link to ClaimID on Wikipedia
Use updated Google Analytics code
More links, some simple styling
Add more extraction metadata to the top of the json object
Add regexp pattern and explanation for the claimid username on the front page
Add todo list, mentions links more often
Extract the color of the link's star
Include cache date, cache url, original url in the json output
Check username against a validation regexp too, use only lowercase
Change project links, and use Affero GPL, as the application is now a service
Merge branch 'node-version'
Ignore node_modules/
Fully functional node.js version
Add basic readme
Add the MIT license
Initial commit
Add google analytics
Use relative path to javascript files
Add readme
h5validate example, mention other projects
Add step numbering and indicate what they do
Reverse adding features - aka removing them - backwards in the presentation
Added more h5validate tags
Add h5validate example
Make the root index a jekyll page
Add readme
Remove red background, more project links
Initial commit
Update recently re-released projects
Add readme with basic usage, extensibility
Add license
Add trimLeft and trimRight
Link to the github page
Add a link to the github page
Moved code to src/
Readme with usage and a a simple example
Beautify javascript
Move source file, move documentation out of it
Add licenses
Reuse numerical input logic
Convert to a jekyll site, add example code for the first/last demo step
Add jekyll-theme-demivolte files
More slide notes
Merge pull request #2 from markdalgleish/hide-deps
Automatically run dependant plugins
Started writing some notes
PageHasFormChanges is now on github
Some jslinting
Moved documentation, usage to the readme
Add licenses
Move source file, extract readme details
Changing single quotes to double quotes, mostly
Month 2013-11
More text, code samples, images, styling
Add usage, examples and a link to extract-fields
Add nonsensical google versus github comparison
Upate formfieldinfo.joelpurra.js to the latest version
Link to the github project page
Show usage when missing a root url argument
Redirect phantomjs font performance warnings to /dev/null
More jslinting
Move library path to function
Document, fix paths in extract info shell script
Document, fix output directory for field names
Ignore text files in the output directory only
Move the phantom script to src
Move example to a subfolder
Additional script help formatting
Add the MIT license
Move help mode before other modes
Wrap phantomjs script loading ina function, use strict
Inject jQuery 2.0.3 into the page
Add some default values to sample data
A little bit of jslint updating
Add 2013 to copyright
Move documentation out of script file
Move formfieldinfo.joelpurra.js to src/
Basic readme
Add licenses
Code cleanup, less fluffy
Update the copyright years
Added cleaning for lower-case and upper-case fields
Only build, test, package while watching, open local web pages when serving
Push tagged versins to origin
Fix minor grunt file bugs
Auto format code
Remove unused fields
Actually commit version bump
Use colors for version number confirmation
Merge branch 'build-package-setup'
Described how to contribute
Links to different package managers and sites
Copy original/unbuilt script to site to use in tests
Use built script in demo
Ignore components and generated files
Grunt for building, testing, publishing the project
Add composer.json for Composer, Packagist
Add component.json for Component
Add package.json for NPM
Move site (gh-pages) to a subfolder, with a separate folder for a theme
Initial commit
Ignore node_modules/
Add bower and npm instructions
Rename package to jquery-emulate tab before publishing
Normalize jshint rules across the project
Updated tests code style
Normalize editors with editorconfig (even though I'm not sure my js/html/css beautifier respects it)
Use bower for jquery and qunit dependencies
Update script coding style
Update jslint/jshint in-file settings
Remove hardcoded copyright header from source file
Remove QUnit as a submodule
Use full semver for jquery dependency
Add 2013 to the copyright message
Fix UTF-8 encoding in demo
Mention bespoke-convenient
Delete merge backup file
Add jQuery plugin package manifest
Add jQuery plugin package manifest
Mention that the plus key is configurable
Add email to jQuery manifest
Add jQuery plugin package manifest
Merge pull request #1 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #1 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #1 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #1 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #1 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #1 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #1 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #2 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #3 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #2 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #4 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #5 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #4 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #3 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #1 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #2 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
Merge pull request #1 from bitdeli-chef/master
Add a Bitdeli Badge to README