Screenshot of the /vidy command used in Slack

The VIDY logotype ❤️ The Slack logotype

VIDY Slack Bot

Search, discover, watch, and share talking videos from VIDY in Slack.

⚠️ This project has been archived

No future updates are planned. Feel free to continue using it, but expect no support.

  • Create a new Slack bot to enable the slash command: /vidy
  • Add keywords to say what you want: /vidy hello there
  • Built to showcase VIDY integration using the VIDY API.
  • The sandbox API makes it easy to get started:
    • Open access, no special authorization required.
    • Preconfigured in the setup examples.
    • Uses a smaller dataset of VIDYs.
    • Rate limited to maximum 1 request per second.
    • See also the vidy NPM package (source).
  • Deployable to Google Cloud Functions using the glcoud CLI tool.


Name variables for the setup

Change at least the suffix to a custom value; changing the rest is optional. Note that these shell variables are only used during setup, not for execution.

# NOTE: random number to avoid naming collisions.
export PROJECT_NAME_SUFFIX="678213"

These values do not need to be changed.

# NOTE: base project name for google cloud.
export PROJECT_NAME_PREFIX="vidy-slack-bot"

# NOTE: function name needs to match the name in code.
export PROJECT_FUNCTION_NAME="slackCommand"

# NOTE: combine to create other names.

Google Cloud setup

This guide assumes creating a new project, but you can deploy to an existing project. Make sure you can set the billing for the project, otherwise the functions won’t work. Make sure you have gcloud installed.

# NOTE: create a new google cloud project.
gcloud projects create "$PROJECT_NAME"
gcloud config set project "$PROJECT_NAME"

# NOTE: need to enable billing for the project first, otherwise this call will fail.
gsutil mb "gs://${PROJECT_BUCKET_NAME}/"

# NOTE: create a runtime configuration.
gcloud beta runtime-config configs create "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"

API access and bot configuration

All configuration is stored in Google Cloud Runtime Configurator.

# NOTE: list configuration keys.
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables list --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"

# NOTE: see slack app/bot pages for your verification token.
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "slackVerificationToken" "<YOUR SLACK VERIFICATION TOKEN>" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"

# NOTE: default vidy sandbox configuration values.
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidyAuthenticationKeyId" "sandbox" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidyAuthenticationKeySecret" "sandbox" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidyBaseUrlApi" "" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidyBaseUrlClip" "" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidyBaseUrlSearch" "" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidyApplicationLocale" "en-US" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidyQueryLimit" "5" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"

# NOTE: set the system uuid to something unique/random for your system.
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidySystemUuid" "<YOUR VIDY SYSTEM UUID>" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"


# NOTE: deploy the code as a new version to google cloud functions.
# NOTE: pushes all files in the current folder; see the file `.gcloudignore`.
# TODO: minify the amount of space used by using `npm install --production` etcetera.
# TODO: reduce function requirements by reducing memory limits etcetera.
gcloud beta functions deploy "$PROJECT_FUNCTION_NAME" --stage-bucket="$PROJECT_BUCKET_NAME" --trigger-http

# NOTE: test the deployed function locally.
gcloud beta functions call "$PROJECT_FUNCTION_NAME" --data '{"token":"<YOUR SLACK VERIFICATION TOKEN>","text":"Some message from Slack!"}'

Local testing

# NOTE: use the locally installed functions emulator.
alias functions='./node_modules/.bin/functions'

# NOTE: start the emulated server.
functions start

functions deploy "$PROJECT_FUNCTION_NAME" --trigger-http --timeout "540s"

# NOTE: enable mocking of dependencies.
# TODO: avoid this total hack, when @google-cloud/functions-emulator improves mocking.
cp "./test/mocks.js" "./node_modules/@google-cloud/functions-emulator/mocks.js"

# NOTE: start debugging, wait for debugger.
# NOTE: easiest debugging is in built into Google Chrome.
# chrome://inspect/#devices
functions inspect "$PROJECT_FUNCTION_NAME" --pause

# NOTE: test against the local function.
functions call "$PROJECT_FUNCTION_NAME" --data '{"token":"<YOUR SLACK VERIFICATION TOKEN>","text":"Some message from Slack!"}'

# NOTE: clear the server and stop when done developing.
functions clear
functions start


Patches welcome! Please follow git-flow when submitting pull requests.

The VIDY logotype ❤️ The Slack logotype vidy-slack-bot Copyright © 2018 Joel Purra. Released under GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0 (AGPL-3.0). Your donations are appreciated!