VIDY Slack Bot
Search, discover, watch, and share talking videos from VIDY in Slack.
⚠️ This project has been archived
No future updates are planned. Feel free to continue using it, but expect no support.
- Create a new Slack bot to enable the slash command:
- Add keywords to say what you want:
/vidy hello there
- Built to showcase VIDY integration using the VIDY API.
- The sandbox API makes it easy to get started:
- Open access, no special authorization required.
- Preconfigured in the setup examples.
- Uses a smaller dataset of VIDYs.
- Rate limited to maximum 1 request per second.
- See also the
NPM package (source).
- Deployable to Google Cloud Functions using the
CLI tool.
Name variables for the setup
Change at least the suffix to a custom value; changing the rest is optional. Note that these shell variables are only used during setup, not for execution.
# NOTE: random number to avoid naming collisions.
export PROJECT_NAME_SUFFIX="678213"
These values do not need to be changed.
# NOTE: base project name for google cloud.
export PROJECT_NAME_PREFIX="vidy-slack-bot"
# NOTE: function name needs to match the name in code.
export PROJECT_FUNCTION_NAME="slackCommand"
# NOTE: combine to create other names.
Google Cloud setup
This guide assumes creating a new project, but you can deploy to an existing project. Make sure you can set the billing for the project, otherwise the functions won’t work. Make sure you have gcloud
# NOTE: create a new google cloud project.
gcloud projects create "$PROJECT_NAME"
gcloud config set project "$PROJECT_NAME"
# NOTE: need to enable billing for the project first, otherwise this call will fail.
gsutil mb "gs://${PROJECT_BUCKET_NAME}/"
# NOTE: create a runtime configuration.
gcloud beta runtime-config configs create "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
API access and bot configuration
All configuration is stored in Google Cloud Runtime Configurator.
# NOTE: list configuration keys.
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables list --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
# NOTE: see slack app/bot pages for your verification token.
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "slackVerificationToken" "<YOUR SLACK VERIFICATION TOKEN>" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
# NOTE: default vidy sandbox configuration values.
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidyAuthenticationKeyId" "sandbox" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidyAuthenticationKeySecret" "sandbox" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidyBaseUrlApi" "" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidyBaseUrlClip" "" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidyBaseUrlSearch" "" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidyApplicationLocale" "en-US" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidyQueryLimit" "5" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
# NOTE: set the system uuid to something unique/random for your system.
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set "vidySystemUuid" "<YOUR VIDY SYSTEM UUID>" --config-name "$PROJECT_RUNTIME_CONFIG_NAME"
# NOTE: deploy the code as a new version to google cloud functions.
# NOTE: pushes all files in the current folder; see the file `.gcloudignore`.
# TODO: minify the amount of space used by using `npm install --production` etcetera.
# TODO: reduce function requirements by reducing memory limits etcetera.
gcloud beta functions deploy "$PROJECT_FUNCTION_NAME" --stage-bucket="$PROJECT_BUCKET_NAME" --trigger-http
# NOTE: test the deployed function locally.
gcloud beta functions call "$PROJECT_FUNCTION_NAME" --data '{"token":"<YOUR SLACK VERIFICATION TOKEN>","text":"Some message from Slack!"}'
Local testing
# NOTE: use the locally installed functions emulator.
alias functions='./node_modules/.bin/functions'
# NOTE: start the emulated server.
functions start
functions deploy "$PROJECT_FUNCTION_NAME" --trigger-http --timeout "540s"
# NOTE: enable mocking of dependencies.
# TODO: avoid this total hack, when @google-cloud/functions-emulator improves mocking.
cp "./test/mocks.js" "./node_modules/@google-cloud/functions-emulator/mocks.js"
# NOTE: start debugging, wait for debugger.
# NOTE: easiest debugging is in built into Google Chrome.
# chrome://inspect/#devices
functions inspect "$PROJECT_FUNCTION_NAME" --pause
# NOTE: test against the local function.
functions call "$PROJECT_FUNCTION_NAME" --data '{"token":"<YOUR SLACK VERIFICATION TOKEN>","text":"Some message from Slack!"}'
# NOTE: clear the server and stop when done developing.
functions clear
functions start
Patches welcome! Please follow git-flow when submitting pull requests.
vidy-slack-bot Copyright © 2018 Joel Purra. Released under GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0 (AGPL-3.0). Your donations are appreciated!