all (2/41)
Category index page 2 of 41 pages, listing 100 out of 4046 entries in the category all.
Merge branch 'feature/upgrade-dependencies' into develop
Fix git source zip paths
More serialization between foreground/background
- There has been an uptick in errors in Firefox with the message `can't access dead object`. - Occurs when listing/configuring voices on the options page. - A simple page relo…→ Full commit message
Fix type, build. linting issues
Run in-editor formatting
Fix linting issues
Run lint:fix
Modify linting rules locally
Fix react types by hoisting
Fix styletron types
Various type fixes to fix build
Update minified svg files
Switch to npm workspaces
Upgrade xo, eslint-config-joelpurra
Upgrade web-ext, webextension-polyfill
Upgrade utilities
Upgrade typescript and related packages
Upgrade rollup and plugins
Upgrade lerna
Update dependencies in-range
Upgrade npm-check-updates, syncpack
Update dependencies in-range
Target Node.js v20
Merge branch 'release/v14.0.0'
* release/v14.0.0: v14.0.0 Upgrade xo, eslint-config-xo-typescript Update dependencies in-range
Upgrade xo, eslint-config-xo-typescript
Update dependencies in-range
Fix non-GNU command arguments
Log combined S3 bucket and region domain
Delay setting AWS credentials
Add original resolution background image
- A photo of a rainbow flag is used as the website background and `` header image. - The current image is $(1024*681)/(3008*2000) \approx 0.12 \approx 1/8$ the size (in p…→ Full commit message
Upgrade dependencies
Containerize server
Remove leftover social icons
Use system fonts
Improve configuration
- Add basic configuration assertion failure messages - Parse and handle non-string configuration values. - Opted not to use `parseValues` from `nconf` through `configvention`, b…→ Full commit message
Improve footers, update copyright years
Use const/let
Update copyright years
Clarify GPL-3.0-or-later, update license links
Run pretty
Update links
Convert to ESM package
Provide placeholders for expected configvention values
Update dependencies in-range
Convert to modules
Fix linting issues
Run lint:fix
Upgrade eslint-config-joelpurra, xo
Target Node.js v16, v18, v20
Update dependencies in-range
Merge branch 'release/v13.0.0'
Upgrade xo, eslint plugins
Update dependencies in-range
Target Node.js v16, v18, v20
Mention choco install xmouse-controls in
Update incoming links
Format html, css
Automatic website dark mode css
Clean up css
Restructure downloads, add chocolatey
Self-link from page header
Reduce default table width
Add historical screenshots
Remove old design files
Update copyright years
Update project description
Update website spelling, wording
Reduce donation options
Mention Windows 11, update developer links
Delete release files from source code repository
- Deleting (compiled/binary/compressed) release files from the source code repository. - These files are not referenced anywhere; merely removing clutter. - Not "saving" any s…→ Full commit message
Fix v1.0.0.1 release datetime typo
Merge branch 'release/v7.0.0'
Update dependencies in-range
Add node-usb as a devDependency for the types
Target Node.js v16, v18, v19, v20
- v14: drop support. - End-of-life of Node.js v14 is 2023-04-30, in circa 2 months. - For some reason, `npm install` fails to complete (on this machine), so dropping support e…→ Full commit message
Link to Elgato Facecam (4057:0120)
Ignore all (generated) files
Script cleanup
elgato facecam
Remove deprecated virtualenv flag
Add initial factorio-save-upgrader implementation
- Locally tested script, running on Ubuntu 22.04. - Confirmed upgrades from Factorio 0.15 to 1.1. - Requires `docker`. - Usage and some configuration documented in ``. S…→ Full commit message