Generate output longtable tex code files, use them as cached input 2014-11-02 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Remove todo note regarding counting longtables twice 2014-10-31 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Use CDF styles, add fig:Cumulative-distribution-ratio-internal-resources 2014-10-31 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Add fig:Cumulative-distribution-ratio-secure-resources 2014-10-31 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Add a legend to fig:internal-mixed-external-resources 2014-10-28 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Use plot styles for fig:internal-mixed-external-resources 2014-10-28 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Float with all 72 dataset stacked bar graph for internal/mixed/external resources 2014-10-28 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Remove generated synctex, lof and lot files, ignore even more file types 2014-10-27 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Add RFCs as bibliography references, extracted from a large set of RFCs bibtex entries 2014-10-24 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Move software contribution results last in introduction 2014-10-24 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Add header markers to manually inserted ToC entries 2014-10-24 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Explicitly define the use of modern fonts in the preamble 2014-10-23 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Thicker line after table header row, no spacing around dataset divider ruler 2014-10-21 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Introduce the command \tsvtablewidedatasets to simplify dataset table code. Add a line between datasets groups. 2014-10-21 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Mention adding RFC references as biblography entries 2014-10-21 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Add table with the .SE Health Status domain categories, move summary tables to section introduction 2014-10-21 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Make a note of longtables inside floats being counted twice 2014-10-21 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Wrote about data analysis and validation methodology 2014-10-21 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Update organizations in more than one Disconnect category with per-category columns 2014-10-20 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Revert table floats for large sideways tables in the detailed results 2014-10-20 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Wrap tables in floats, which unfortunately do not turn to the side on landscape pages 2014-10-20 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Number the TOC in the PDF bookmarks, expand to level 1 by default 2014-10-20 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Wrote about domain categories/lists and publix suffix in the methodology chapter 2014-10-19 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Mention that Alexa's analytics are also an input source 2014-10-19 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Mention .SE report with surveillance worry numbers 2014-10-19 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Create a new methodology chapter structure, based on examiner feedback, move details to appendix 2014-10-19 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Merge previous chapters expected results, data sources, retrieving websites and resources, analyzing resources into the methodology chapter 2014-10-19 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Mention CDN performance, ads as income in background 2014-10-19 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Move bibliography before thanks, nomenclature. Add ToC entries for unnumbered thanks, nomenclature. 2014-10-19 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Make fourth heading level (subsubsection) unnumbered 2014-10-19 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Add reference to Smith et al.: Information privacy, multi-theory, regulation, society, interdisciplinary 2014-10-19 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Add a header with chapter name, document title, author and document type 2014-10-18 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Add some vertical lines for horizontal/column grouping in tables 2014-10-16 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Make minor corrections based on paper notes from examiner 2014-10-15 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Move references inside of sentences ending with a full stop 2014-10-15 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Remove questions heading, move some to future work 2014-10-15 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Mention secure connections' data being passively extracted 2014-10-15 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Move current software and results chapters to appendix 2014-10-15 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Move related work towards the end, as recommended by Simon Peyton Jones 2014-10-11 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Remove notes to update table with full result datasets 2014-10-11 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Rewrite abstract, move old abstract to introduction 2014-10-07 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis
Note to write about blocked domain/organization counts 2014-09-30 Joel Purra git joelpurra masters-thesis