all (1/41)
Category index page 1 of 41 pages, listing 100 out of 4046 entries in the category all.
Merge branch 'release/v8.0.0'
Update dependencies in-range
Remove some unused code
List the loading/upgrading steps
Document Factorio: Space Age mod requirements
Add output tree file listing at script end
Reword log messages
Use v for version prefix
Update copyright years
Use tabs for indentation
Explicitly check for external executables
Use details instead of headings in
Add some color to log output
Use podman instead of docker
Add version 2.0, remove 0.18
Migrate and upgrade local/extension mv3 storage
- Migrates to MV3 by loading data from `window.localStorage` and writing to ``. - Migration is only performed during webext upgrade/install events. - Migra…→ Full commit message
Allow development build output packaging
Skip .map files for production output
Fix react dom (re)hydration bugs
Fix external production/development script mapping
Attempt for service worker/background to stay alive during speech
Reduce rollup import warnings
Upgrade react, react-dom, react-markdown
Remove renamer
Upgrade @sindresorhus/tsconfig
Upgrade nx@^20
Upgrade nx@^19
Upgrade nx@^18
Upgrade rimraf
Upgrade syncpack
Upgrade npm-check-updates
Update copyright years
Update links
Use HTTPS where possible
Update developer documentation
Move/copy files from root to ./code/
Fix updated typings
Upgrade @types/webextension-polyfill
Fix artifact output
Ignore web-ext lint errors in chrome
- `web-ext` and `addons-linter` are focused on Mozilla Firefox, whether the linting rules standardized or not. - This may cause issues when linting for Google Chrome, currently in…→ Full commit message
Upgrade web-ext
Update minified svg files
Update dependencies in-range
Add debug build mode
Fix page reloading hint when no voices found
Fix translator-tool
Update automatic translations
Update text and translation placeholders
Add back arrow to voices tab
Set options page title on navigation tab change
Disambiguate browser and navigation tabs
Display additional support entry id details
Change marketing name
Update donation information
By default, do not store history
List language dialects without groups on the about page
Link language groups on about page to wikipedia
Limit long page voice lists on the about page
Update operating system voice support information
Remove unused files
Fix clipboard, permissions in Chrome; enable in Firefox
- Reimplemented permissions to work with MV3. - Requires manually allowing Talkie access to the clipboard. - Also implemented removing the clipboard permissions at will. - A…→ Full commit message
Implement automatic dark mode, reduce user interface styling
- Instead of an always bright white background in Talkie's popup and options page, a dark mode has been implemented. - Dark mode is automatically selected, based on the user's bro…→ Full commit message
Output today's date to indicate freshness
Enable web-ext devtools and console logging
Separate temporary browser profiles from nx cache
Add simple reload button if no voices are found in options
Default to showing additional details to developers
Reduce system and OS information in voice count message
Mention linting separately
Move output directory to ./dist/
Attempt to use lerna to watch (build) all packages
- Does not work as expected, since `./dist/` for each package triggers the watcher. - Triggers when running browsers during debugging via `./dist/profiles/`. - Triggers when m…→ Full commit message
Move generated locales/language files to dist
Separate voice loader component
- Make repeated voice loading reusable. - Load voices in both options and popup. - Retry as long as the page is open, although with exponentially increasing delays.
Trigger loading voices in multiple places
Wait longer for voice load before warning
Clear more setTimeout identifiers
- Keep track of identifiers returned from `setTimeout`/`setInterval` calls, and clear them where possible. - Can make a difference in React, where stray/late timer executions may …→ Full commit message
Use gh instead of hub
Generate lerna package graph list
- Outputs a JSON-formatted adjacency list of `@talkie/*` packages plus individual dependencies. - The list includes non-internal packages. - The list is sorted in topographical or…→ Full commit message
Use lerna/nx cache for build steps
- Caches per-package files for `build` and `reconstruct` steps. - Mainly concerns the output in `dist/` directories. - Relies on the inferred package build order. - Cached out…→ Full commit message
Generate nx graphs
- Uses `nx graph` to generate a JSON dependency list and HTML graph. - Similar to the existing lists and graphs in `./dist/graph/`. See - [`./code/graph/nx.graph.html`](./code/g…→ Full commit message
Output graphs in ./dist/graph
- Change output directory from `./packages` to `./dist/graph`.
Format *.mjs files
Use prettier on *.mjs files
Stricter TALKIE_ENV checks
Show collected errors in option page
- Output at bottom of page. - Includes short explanation. - Output list of stringified error JSON.
Add settings to continue/stop when page closes/URL changes
- When selecting page text for speaking, using the Talkie browser button or corresponding keyboard shortcut, the "speaking tab" (id number) is stored. - Does not apply for text …→ Full commit message
Move to Manifest Version 3 (MV3)
- Use of MV3 for new/updated webexts is now enforced by the Google Chrome Web Store (CWS). - Use of MV2 is "discouraged", and MV2 webexts may be removed from CWS. - The change…→ Full commit message