Take vendor/product ids into account for examples

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191 commits
103 stars
Commit details (235fe378)
Authored at
Joel Purra
Committed at

Commit message

Take vendor/product ids into account for examples

  • Cameras with the same "marketing name" may differ between different hardware implementations, as detected by their USB (vendor and) product id.
  • It is unclear if these different hardware implementations also have diffferent properties, from the perspective of uvcc usage.
  • For uvcc example output, use both a marketing name subdirectory and a subdirectory per product id.
  • This commit updates the instructions and moves current examples to per-id subdirectories.


Raw text
Take vendor/product ids into account for examples

- Cameras with the same "marketing name" may differ between different hardware implementations, as detected by their USB (vendor and) product id.
- It is unclear if these different hardware implementations also have diffferent properties, from the perspective of `uvcc` usage.
- For `uvcc` example output, use both a marketing name subdirectory and a subdirectory per product id.
- This commit updates the instructions and moves current examples to per-id subdirectories.


- https://github.com/joelpurra/uvcc/issues/21

Changed files (20)

Path Additions Deletions
README.md +2 -1
examples/README.md +20 -9
examples/logitech-c920/{ => 1133-2093}/controls.json +0 -0
examples/logitech-c920/{ => 1133-2093}/demo/README.md +0 -0
examples/logitech-c920/{ => 1133-2093}/demo/auto.json +0 -0
examples/logitech-c920/{ => 1133-2093}/demo/cold.json +0 -0
examples/logitech-c920/{ => 1133-2093}/demo/crazy.json +0 -0
examples/logitech-c920/{ => 1133-2093}/demo/record-demo.sh +0 -0
examples/logitech-c920/{ => 1133-2093}/demo/warm.json +0 -0
examples/logitech-c920/{ => 1133-2093}/devices.json +0 -0
examples/logitech-c920/{ => 1133-2093}/export.json +0 -0
examples/logitech-c920/{ => 1133-2093}/metadata.json +0 -0
examples/logitech-c920/{ => 1133-2093}/ranges.json +0 -0
examples/logitech-c920/demo/output/.gitignore +0 -1
examples/microsoft-1425/{ => 1118-1906}/controls.json +0 -0
examples/microsoft-1425/{ => 1118-1906}/devices.json +0 -0
examples/microsoft-1425/{ => 1118-1906}/export.json +0 -0
examples/microsoft-1425/{ => 1118-1906}/metadata.json +0 -0
examples/microsoft-1425/{ => 1118-1906}/ranges.json +0 -0
examples/update-example.sh +1 -6

Commit categories (3)