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Repository details (talkie)
Project page
Project log category
(588 entries)
Contributors on Github
Project status
⏲️ This project has had recent commits.
📂 This project is open.
🌠 This project is popular.
Repository activity period
630 commits
71 stars
Commit details (36c7e87f)
Authored at
Joel Purra
Committed at

Commit message

Run lint:fix

Summary/comparision of changes.

Talkie v6.0.0

     100 files
     200 files
     239 text files.
classified 239 files
Duplicate file check 239 files (218 known unique)
Unique:      100 files
Unique:      200 files
     235 unique files.
Counting:  100
Counting:  200
       7 files ignored. v 1.82  T=0.08 s (2876.1 files/s, 250477.1 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
JSX                             88           1597           1472           6193
JavaScript                     132           2149           2380           5881
JSON                             5              0              0            273
HTML                             7             63            105             92
SUM:                           232           3809           3957          12439

Talkie after upgrading formatting and switching to async/await

     100 files
     200 files
     241 text files.
classified 241 files
Duplicate file check 241 files (223 known unique)
Unique:      100 files
Unique:      200 files
     237 unique files.
Counting:  100
Counting:  200
       6 files ignored. v 1.82  T=0.08 s (2930.8 files/s, 242847.3 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
JSX                             88           1465           1532           6227
JavaScript                     135           2222           2431           5062
JSON                             5              0              0            273
HTML                             7             63            105             92
SUM:                           235           3750           4068          11654
Raw text
Run lint:fix

Summary/comparision of changes.

Talkie v6.0.0

     100 files
     200 files
     239 text files.
classified 239 files
Duplicate file check 239 files (218 known unique)
Unique:      100 files
Unique:      200 files
     235 unique files.
Counting:  100
Counting:  200
       7 files ignored. v 1.82  T=0.08 s (2876.1 files/s, 250477.1 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
JSX                             88           1597           1472           6193
JavaScript                     132           2149           2380           5881
JSON                             5              0              0            273
HTML                             7             63            105             92
SUM:                           232           3809           3957          12439

Talkie after upgrading formatting and switching to async/await

     100 files
     200 files
     241 text files.
classified 241 files
Duplicate file check 241 files (223 known unique)
Unique:      100 files
Unique:      200 files
     237 unique files.
Counting:  100
Counting:  200
       6 files ignored. v 1.82  T=0.08 s (2930.8 files/s, 242847.3 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
JSX                             88           1465           1532           6227
JavaScript                     135           2222           2431           5062
JSON                             5              0              0            273
HTML                             7             63            105             92
SUM:                           235           3750           4068          11654

Changed files (8)

Path Additions Deletions
.github/ +0 -5
.github/ +1 -14
.github/ +1 -13 +0 -4 +5 -26 +26 -46
manifest.json +3 -11
tools/translations/extension-translator.js.defaults.config.json +1 -1

Commit categories (3)