Support multi-field controls

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191 commits
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Commit details (d33e6052)
Authored at
Joel Purra
Committed at

Commit message

Support multi-field controls

  • Some controls can have more than one field, or "part".
  • Previously, only the first value was (partially, if at all) supported.
  • Updates commands to accept one or two values.
    • Not accepting 2+/"unlimited" fields at this time.
    • Can be implemented, but there is no use case (?) at the moment.
  • No checks are performed against the underlying camera control.
    • If a control only supports one field, a second value is (seemingly) ignored.
    • If only one value is provided to a multi-field control, the second value is (probably) set to 0.
  • Only tested using absolute_pan_tilt using Logitech C920.
Raw text
Support multi-field controls

- Some controls can have more than one field, or "part".
- Previously, only the first value was (partially, if at all) supported.
- Updates commands to accept one or two values.
  - Not accepting 2+/"unlimited" fields at this time.
  - Can be implemented, but there is no use case (?) at the moment.
- No checks are performed against the underlying camera control.
  - If a control only supports one field, a second value is (seemingly) ignored.
  - If only one value is provided to a multi-field control, the second value is (probably) set to `0`.
- Only tested using `absolute_pan_tilt` using Logitech C920.

Changed files (15)

Path Additions Deletions +16 -12
package-lock.json +3 -4
package.json +1 -0
src/camera-control-helper.ts +1 -1
src/camera-factory.ts +1 -1
src/camera-helper.ts +16 -38
src/command-handlers/export.ts +20 -5
src/command-handlers/get.ts +5 -2
src/command-handlers/import.ts +31 -7
src/command-handlers/set.ts +4 -4
src/runtime-configurator.ts +30 -8
src/types/command.ts +2 -1
src/types/uvc-control.d.ts +4 -3
src/utilities/flatten-control-values.ts +36 -0
src/{ => utilities}/wrapped-error.ts +0 -0

Commit categories (3)