Merge branch 'feature/improve-demo' into develop

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630 commits
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Commit details (ad55d591)
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Joel Purra
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Merge branch 'feature/improve-demo' into develop

  • feature/improve-demo: Fix eslint warnings and errors Run eslint for jsx files Make all react componentes pure Fix positional translation arguments Detect language from the selected element, not the selected element's parent element Improve the demo page Add a welcome tab to the demo page Add per-language links to wikipedia Simplify shared import paths in shared code Improve the demo page Unregister broadcast listeners when window unloads Add bidirectional (left-to-right, right-to-left) information to the currently supported locales
Raw text
Merge branch 'feature/improve-demo' into develop

* feature/improve-demo:
  Fix eslint warnings and errors
  Run eslint for jsx files
  Make all react componentes pure
  Fix positional translation arguments
  Detect language from the selected element, not the selected element's parent element
  Improve the demo page
  Add a welcome tab to the demo page
  Add per-language links to wikipedia
  Simplify shared import paths in shared code
  Improve the demo page
  Unregister broadcast listeners when window unloads
  Add bidirectional (left-to-right, right-to-left) information to the currently supported locales

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