Merge branch 'feature/popup' into develop

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Commit details (3a5b924e)
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Joel Purra
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Merge branch 'feature/popup' into develop

  • feature/popup: Add link click handler to open links in a new tab Use async version of getBackgroundPage Split per-locale messages.json to tooling taking care of untranslated strings, english base, automatic translation from english base, manual settings, human override translations Sort keys in messages.json Fix extensionLocale Reflow popup after translation, just in case Add feedback/support, rate links and donation buttons to popup Add popup with progress bar
Raw text
Merge branch 'feature/popup' into develop

* feature/popup:
  Add link click handler to open links in a new tab
  Use async version of getBackgroundPage
  Split per-locale messages.json to tooling taking care of untranslated strings, english base, automatic translation from english base, manual settings, human override translations
  Sort keys in messages.json
  Fix extensionLocale
  Reflow popup after translation, just in case
  Add feedback/support, rate links and donation buttons to popup
  Add popup with progress bar

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