Text-to-speech browser extension button
Talkie |
Talkie |
The Talkie monorepo consists of several packages in the @talkie/
scope/namespace. See for build steps.
Code rollup statistics
Some packages automatically generate a report with the size of each file rollup
included in the output. This can be used to help reduce the generated code file size, possibly by avoiding accidental inclusion of external library files.
These files are only generated locally during the build process, and not checked in to the repository. For this reason, the below links only work locally for developers.
Dependency graphs
During the build process, dependency graphs of internal @talkie/
packages are automatically generated. They may provide useful if there are issues regarding, for example, accidental package references or circular dependencies.
These graphs are not checked in, thus the below images are missing until the rebuild
command/script has been executed locally.
Package dependency graph, as import
ed in Typescript code
Package dependency graph, as referenced in package.json
Talkie Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Joel Purra. Released under GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0).