Switch to full tab options

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751 commits
72 stars
Commit details (0358241f)
Authored at
Joel Purra
Committed at

Commit message

Switch to full tab options

  • Google Chrome 74 seems to have an issue with Talkie's options page.
  • The options page itself works fine, but displaying it in Chrome's extension details page for Talkie does not work. Nothing displayed, no error message.
  • The recommended options page style is (was?) to use the predefined in-browser options page. It seems this no longer works for Talkie.
  • This commit changes options ui settings to instead use a full tab for the options.
  • Further user interface changes are needed to make this pretty, as the previous version relied on the browser's extension branding the options.
Raw text
Switch to full tab options

- Google Chrome 74 seems to have an issue with Talkie's options page.
- The options page itself works fine, but displaying it in Chrome's extension details page for Talkie does not work. Nothing displayed, no error message.
- The recommended options page style is (was?) to use the predefined in-browser options page. It seems this no longer works for Talkie.
- This commit changes options ui settings to instead use a full tab for the options.
- Further user interface changes are needed to make this pretty, as the previous version relied on the browser's extension branding the options.

Changed files (1)

Path Additions Deletions
manifest.json +3 -1

Commit categories (3)