Improve the demo page

Repository details (talkie)
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(708 entries)
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Repository activity period
751 commits
73 stars
Commit details (02aad1e6)
Authored at
Joel Purra
Committed at

Commit message

Improve the demo page

  • Move the story from options to the demo page.
  • List voices in the demo.
  • Create a support tab in the demo.
  • Link to demo tabs from the popup.
  • Move text options to a new tab in options.
  • Make tab navigation shared.
  • Make tab navigation state unshared.
  • Add a language helper to list installed translations.
Raw text
Improve the demo page

- Move the story from options to the demo page.
- List voices in the demo.
- Create a support tab in the demo.
- Link to demo tabs from the popup.
- Move text options to a new tab in options.
- Make tab navigation shared.
- Make tab navigation state unshared.
- Add a language helper to list installed translations.

Changed files (79)

Path Additions Deletions
resources/style/demo.css +32 -0
resources/style/options.css +0 -24
resources/style/popup.css +0 -8
resources/style/shared.css +16 -0
rollup.config.uglify.js +4 -1
src/background/background.js +7 -5
src/background/talkie-speaker.js +1 -1
src/demo/actions/index.js +2 -0
src/demo/components/footer.jsx +33 -35
src/demo/components/header.jsx +37 -1
src/demo/components/main.jsx +175 -62
src/demo/components/sections/about.jsx +140 -0
src/{options => demo}/components/sections/features.jsx +4 -4
src/demo/components/sections/support.jsx +423 -0
src/{options => demo}/components/sections/usage.jsx +44 -12
src/demo/components/sections/voices.jsx +342 -0
src/demo/containers/app.jsx +19 -6
src/demo/containers/voices-container.jsx +107 -0
src/demo/demo.html.js +5 -2
src/demo/reducers/index.js +2 -0
src/options/actions/index.js +2 -0
src/options/actions/navigation.js +0 -4
src/options/components/main.jsx +89 -54
src/options/components/range/logarithmic-scale-range.jsx +17 -6
src/options/components/range/scale-range-datalist-option.jsx +14 -3
src/options/components/range/scale-range-datalist.jsx +17 -4
src/options/components/range/scale-range.jsx +22 -28
src/options/components/sections/about.jsx +11 -45
src/options/components/sections/text.jsx +68 -0
src/options/components/sections/{voices => text}/speak-long-texts.jsx +23 -30
src/options/components/sections/voices.jsx +22 -39
src/options/components/sections/voices/available-languages.jsx +15 -24
src/options/components/sections/voices/available-voices.jsx +35 -31
src/options/components/sections/voices/range-with-heading.jsx +25 -9
src/options/components/sections/voices/toggle-default.jsx +15 -11
src/options/constants/action-types-navigation.js +0 -2
src/options/containers/about-container.jsx +15 -3
src/options/containers/app.jsx +7 -3
src/options/containers/text-container.jsx +72 -0
src/options/containers/voices-container.jsx +9 -11
src/options/options.html.js +4 -2
src/options/reducers/index.js +2 -0
src/options/reducers/navigation.js +1 -8
src/popup/actions/index.js +0 -2
src/popup/components/main.jsx +15 -2
src/popup/components/sections/header.jsx +23 -26
src/popup/components/sections/menu.jsx +9 -9
src/popup/containers/app.jsx +1 -1
src/popup/reducers/index.js +0 -3
src/shared/actions/voices.js +29 -5
src/shared/components/form/checkbox.jsx +2 -2
src/shared/components/form/multiline-select.jsx +90 -0
src/{options => shared}/components/navigation/nav.jsx +12 -33
src/{options => shared}/components/navigation/tab-contents.jsx +1 -0
src/shared/configuration.js +15 -12
src/shared/constants/action-types-navigation.js +2 -0
src/shared/constants/action-types-voices.js +2 -0
src/{options => shared}/containers/nav-container.jsx +17 -48
src/shared/language-helper.js +67 -0
src/shared/metadata-manager.js +1 -0
src/shared/reducers/navigation.js +11 -6
src/shared/reducers/voices.js +4 -2
src/shared/renderers/load-root.jsx +6 -6
src/shared/styled/form/form-base.jsx +1 -1
src/shared/styled/layout/layout-base.jsx +2 -0
src/shared/styled/list/list-base.jsx +3 -0
src/shared/styled/text/text-base.jsx +1 -0
src/shared/styles/form/form-base.js +1 -1
src/shared/styles/layout/layout-base.js +5 -0
src/shared/styles/list/list-base.js +9 -0
src/shared/styles/text/text-base.js +17 -7
src/{options => shared}/utils/select-element.js +0 -0
src/shared/utils/transform-voices.js +87 -0
src/shared/voices.js +4 -1
src/unshared/actions/index.js +25 -0
src/{popup => unshared}/actions/navigation.js +0 -4
src/{popup => unshared}/constants/action-types-navigation.js +0 -2
src/unshared/reducers/index.js +29 -0
src/{popup => unshared}/reducers/navigation.js +8 -19

Commit categories (3)