Added some old files and a new release with more exact control over the delay. Other changes include a lot more WPF binding.

Repository details (xmouse-controls)
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(108 entries)
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Repository activity period
111 commits
241 stars
Commit details (f6a6bce9)
Authored at
Joel Purra
Committed at

Commit message

Added some old files and a new release with more exact control over the delay. Other changes include a lot more WPF binding.

Raw text
Added some old files and a new release with more exact control over the delay. Other changes include a lot more WPF binding.

Changed files (27)

Path Additions Deletions
Graphics/Screenshots/2007-12-27 1404/Main-Window-01.psd +- --
Graphics/Screenshots/2010-04-03 1155/Main-Window-01-01.png +- --
Graphics/Screenshots/2010-04-03 1155/Main-Window-01.psd +- --
Website/Default.aspx +181 -0
{Web => Website}/Default.html +0 -0
{Web => Website}/Design/01/CSS/Main.css +9 -0
{Web => Website}/Design/01/Images/X-Mouse-Controls-01.gif +- --
Website/Files/2007-12-27_1404/x-mouse_controls_2007-12-27_1404_debug.7z +- --
Website/Files/2007-12-27_1404/x-mouse_controls_2007-12-27_1404_release.7z +- --
Website/Files/2007-12-27_1404/x-mouse_controls_2007-12-27_1404_source.7z +- --
Website/Files/2007-12-27_1644/x-mouse_controls_2007-12-27_1644_debug.7z +- --
Website/Files/2007-12-27_1644/x-mouse_controls_2007-12-27_1644_release.7z +- --
Website/Files/2007-12-27_1644/x-mouse_controls_2007-12-27_1644_source.7z +- --
Website/Files/2010-04-03_1155/x-mouse_controls_2010-04-03_1155_debug.7z +- --
Website/Files/2010-04-03_1155/x-mouse_controls_2010-04-03_1155_release.7z +- --
Website/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs +35 -0
{Web => Website}/Screenshots/x-mouse_controls_main_window_2007-12-27_1404_01.png +- --
Website/Screenshots/x-mouse_controls_main_window_2010-04-03_1155_01.png +- --
Website/Web.config +11 -0
Website/Website.csproj +95 -0
X-Mouse Controls.sln +6 -0
X-Mouse Controls/MainWindow.xaml +15 -10
X-Mouse Controls/MainWindow.xaml.cs +40 -27
X-Mouse Controls/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs +3 -3
X-Mouse Controls/WindowTrackingValues.cs +47 -0
X-Mouse Controls/X-Mouse Controls.csproj +7 -1
X-Mouse Controls/X-Mouse Controls.ico +- --

Commit categories (3)